
Blogging about a variety of things I enjoy. Also peddling my wares at Thicket and Thistle on Etsy.

Monday, March 23, 2009

stairway to heaven

These two staircases, and the little feet whizzing up the first set, make me think of unbridled, joyous youth. These are unapologetically youthful stairs. If I were old enough to have kids (actually, I'm old enough...let's rephrase: if I were ready enough to have kids) I would gather the gang for a stair-painting party. When I showed these pictures to my sister today, she seemed less taken by them as I was but she thought of another fun idea: a tonal staircase - one color, graded hues. I think it would be fun with orange, or maybe taupe.
The big, jolly numbers remind me of hotel rooms, which reminds me how much I used to want to work in a hotel. My cousins set up a receptionist desk in my grandparents' old bicentennial Victorian in New Jersey and would make my parents, aunts, and uncles sign the guest book upon arrival. Instead of numbers on the many doors, each room developed its own name and identity over the years. On the second floor were Ocean 1 (ocean views), Bay 1 (bay views), the Wicker Room (home to a little wicker chair), and my great aunt's and grandparent's rooms. Way up on the third floor were John Patrick's Room (eldest of many grandchildren), the Tower room, and the Studio (a six-bed, long room for girls only).

Numbered Staircase - Pink Wallpaper via The Happy Haven via Flickr
Rainbow Staircase - Domino Magazine Online

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