Just finished a private (i.e., in my bed, under a borrowed blanket ("Big Brown"), with a plate of gruyere by my side) viewing of
Charade, a 1963 whodunit starring Ms. Hepburn and Mr. Grant. Thoroughly pleasing. Ms. Hepburn plays a woman named Reggie whose life is endangered when her husband is killed by who-knows-who for a then-hefty sum of $250K. Stemming from a U.S. plot to smuggle money to the French during WWII, the money's carriers decide instead to bury it and return for it later - for their personal benefit. Reggie's husband secretly returns alone for the money but years later, in post-war Paris, one of his mates kills him and the others go after Reggie, suspecting that her hubby gave her the money. Cary Grant plays a U.S. "agent" who tries to help Reggie without actually telling him who he is (he has several aliases and at a few different points may be the murderer himself). In the end, the money's found and Mr. Crookshank and Ms. Lampert fall in love.
Anyway, a synopsis of the film isn't really my point. My point is, look at these amazing gloves Reggie's wearing here:

Who wears gloves that color? They're amazing. I don't know what to call them...fawn? Tan? Khaki? Cafe con leche?
All of her costumes are wonderful, of course, being designed by Hubert de Givenchy (no wonder they're distinctly reminiscent of the First Lady of the time). Her pill box headgear here is perfect, and there again is that muted tone.
Later, she pairs bright white leather with the stark contrast of a black wool coat - hot.

I haven't been so completely obsessed with leather gloves since the current First Lady sported her earthy green fingers at the 2009 Inauguration. Hers were J. Crew but I found a similar pair at Nordstrom and forced my sister to get them this fall.

Must have gloves.
Image 1 - IMDB/MPTV
Image 2 - here
Image 3 - Depths of Cinema
Image 4 - Newsok
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