One of my favorite pasttimes of late is typing in key words into the Etsy search box and seeing what pops up. (This is how I found my coveted chandelier print, below.) This evening, after seeing what was most likely a pricey brass starburst wall piece on, my mind fixated on the earthy metal. Etsy delivered loads (2300+) of unexpected charms, such as this fun masquerade ball necklace by

I also found this funky brass bow headband on
mylavaliere's site, which is oh-so-"The City" now that New York is in a rapture over vintage 20s meets hippy chic headgear:

But my favorite shop discovery is
KimBDesigns, the poster behind which backdrops all of her pieces with organic chartreuses. Her stackable series of bracelets and rings remind me of the Sundance catalogue but without the unnecessary pomp and price. This "Tide Pool" ring would make a pretty every-weekend-day accoutrement. It reminds me that I'd one day like to collect ancient jewelry. (Apparently the Greek and Roman Empires were so prolific that small accessories and pottery aren't exhorbitantly expensive. If the collection at the Met is any indication, there's no shortage in the world supply.)

These cheeky earrings are from
GlitteryBlue. I own a pair of similarly shaped danglies that encase lots of little cogs and wheels, almost as if it were a window into a clock, and always get me compliments. The shop was present at an otherwise lame "Girls Night Out" jewelry/clothing "fair" I went to last year in DC. The only worthwhile shop I found there.
I found your blog simply by clicking "Next Post," but I was immediately intrigued by your pictures and writing. It looks like you are interested in the small beautiful things in life. I think that's the kind of person I'd like to read more from.